Volcanic Safety from


Before a possible eruption occurs

  • Be aware of other hazards that could occur before or after a volcanic eruption
    – Tsunami
    – Mudflows or flash floods
    – Earthquakes
    – Acid rain
    – Landslides
  •  Make an evacuation plan.
    – If you live near a volcanic hazard area, be sure to not only plan an escape route but also a backup            escape route.
  • Create an emergency communication plan.
    – incase during an eruption family members are separated from each other , such as parents at work and children at school, have a plan to be reunited.
    – Also ask a family who doesn’t live in the same state that you can call after a disaster and make sure everyone in the family knows their number and address.
  •  Have disaster supplies on hand.
    – Flashlight and extra batteries
    – First aid kit and manual
    – Emergency food and water
    – Non-electric can opener
    – Essential medicines
    – Dust mask
    – Sturdy shoes

During an eruption

  • Follow the evacuation order given by authorities.
  • Avoid rivers and valleys that are down wind or down stream of the volcano.
  • If indoors.
    – bring all animals inside
    – put all machinery in garage
    – close all doors and windows.
  •   if outdoors.
    – try and seek shelter indoors
    – if you are caught in a rock fall, form a ball with your body to protect your head.
    – if caught near a stream beware of possible mud flows , make way upslope.
  • Protect yourself during ash fall.
    – use goggles to protect your eyes
    – wear long sleeves and long pants to protect both arms and legs
    – keep vehicle engines off
    – use damp rag to cover nose in order to help breathing
  • Stay out of areas that are restricted by government officials

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